Saturday, March 25, 2006

Posting from the surface...

My journies to the cavern recently have been too few and far between, but it seems as though there's little I can do about it. I've been working on my own restoration project on the surface, and recently got waylaid by a batch of bad paella.
However, now that I seem to be less allergic to Teledahn, and the Museum is now open, I'm looking forward resuming my search for clues.
I'm beginning to think that Sharper may NOT know what the clue in his office referrs to... after all, it's in D'ni numbers... wouldn't he have used his own language when planting a clue? And since (if I remember correctly) the Maintainers were only beginning to pass out KIs to the general populace by the time of the fall, only a select few of the D'ni would have been able to see the clue at all. Perhaps this is the work of the Shroom Baron himself?
I need to check the histories to see if the dates line up. Everything seems to point to Teledahn, however... there's a deeper story there that I'm just not seeing.
Hmmmm.... I wonder if it has anything to do with Rebek? That had something to do with the slavery in Teledahn, too. It's odd that we haven't found a linking book there yet.
But if it is something to do with Sharper, I'll need to scour the Kahlo pub, too... I think he had a finger in that pie as well.
Off to plant some pansies and slap another coat of paint on my room.


Blogger vid said...

Keep in mind that the note that has the panels for the Teledahn slave cave listed also used D'ni numbering, and I'm fairly certain THAT was done by Sharper. With all the "extra" translation that he had Nick White working on, I feel like Sharper was pretty big on D'ni and it's culture. Maybe that's why he allied with Phil and Yeesha so violently.

Someone named Edward dropped into the UO hood yesterday, and pointed out something VERY interesting in the Kadish vault... it's really hard to get a photo of, so I'll show you personally later.

P.S. I told you to keep poison control on speed dial :(

2:15 PM  
Blogger Taba said...

Gah! Don't confuse me with the facts!!!
Actually, you're right... I wonder how Sharper figured out how to make it only show up in KI shot?
And I'll see if I can make it into the cavern later... still painting.

2:35 PM  

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