Friday, April 28, 2006

31337 haxor!

Ok... to start off with, do not try this at home. Hacking your game files can kill your game, kill your computer, or get Cyan reallyreallyreally mad at you. Also, hacking the game files makes your End User License Agreement null and void, so if you end up breaking your computer, Cyan and/or Ubisoft will just point and laugh. And if you try this with a copy of the game that has been patched for Until Uru, you will get banned from the shard and probably end up corrupting the vault. So if you do try this.. do it with an unpatched, non UU copy of the game.
So, of course, like an idiot.. I hacked my solo-player game.
And I found some really fun stuff. To start off with, there's a Bahro stone in Gahreesen that links to the Great Shaft...

And yes, the stone actually works, it took me to the Great Shaft without a hitch. While I was there, I turned on flymode and enjoyed some of the sights...

After a while, I got tired of not really being able to see much (damn you, sunlight and white walls!) and followed up on another lead that I had been itching to look at... the odd "photograph" looking thing in the Kadish vault that I talked about earlier. Alas... it was there, but I figured out what it was, finally; the end of one of the beams that held up the vault itself.

You can see the edges of these beams just have an odd texture, and it happened to poke through into the vault where you could see it. However... some of the beams have collision, meaning you can walk on them.. even the ones that you're not "supposed" to use.

I had to use flymode to get to them, jumping from the platform is chancy, and I panic linked many, many, many times before I finally gave up and resorted to flymode, but it is possible to get to them without resorting to hacks. And while in my Relto one of those many times... I decided to "climb" my tree.

As much as I love my solo version of the game, with the hacks and tweaks, and the extra clothing items and relto pages and places to explore... it will never, ever hold a candle to Until Uru. There's something amazing about being able to explore with company... and I have to admit that while I was exploring, I was lonely. I wanted to be able to share my discoveries with someone as I found them, and have someone share theirs with me.


Blogger vid said...

Agh, I'm dying to know why there would be a link to the Great Shaft in Gahreesen... does it link to the bottom? Or is it another link to the Eder Tomahn?

Can't believe that the Kadish "photo" is just part of one of the beams... how depressing. Oh well, it was an interesting mystery while it lasted.

2:17 PM  

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