Saturday, April 15, 2006

*Keanu Reeves voice* Woah...

I'm posting this from beautiful Eder Kemo... but it's Eder Delin that I'll be talking about. After the meeting of our five new liasons (congrats, guys, by the way!), a new screenshot was released of a previously unseen age.

It has a remarkable resemblance to Eder Kemo, but evidently, a lot of the "garden" ages have some of the same attributes (possibly written by the same person?). And from what I've seen of it, it looks ... beautiful. As much as I love Eder Gira, it gets very hot and humid.. and Eder Kemo is a tad chilly and damp. Delin, however, looks warm and inviting. Unless it has man-eating monsters or something, I have no doubt that it will quicky become my favorite meditation spot. I can't wait until the explorers have acess to it... it looks calm, peaceful, and inviting.
I wonder if it has fireflies too?


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