Monday, April 10, 2006

This post has been brewing for a while, but I've finally decided to voice my thoughts... reading over the forums has been part of my daily ritual for the past two months, along with checking my friends' blogs, checking my email, drinking that first ambrosial cup of coffee, etc.
As OCD as I am about it, I'm seriously considering removing one particular forum from my "favorites" menu. It's devolved into a morass of flame-wars, name calling, and threats. This is a stark contrast to the usually peaceful, helpful, friendly community that I've come to know and love, and it really saddens me that it should come to this over something as silly as choosing a couple of messengers.
Yep, you read that right... these massive cracks in our community are because the DRC wants us to pick someone to deliver messages back and forth. That's it. Not congressmen (or women), not senators, not grand poohbas, but just messengers. Gofers. Errand-boys (or girls). And I based my voting on that; the ones who realized that this isn't a position of power, and the ones who have stayed out of the flaming and name-calling are the ones that have my support.
And we've already had some wonderful, respected members of our community leave because of this. Why are we letting ourselves be torn apart over something so trivial?
I'd considered posting this on the forum in question, but decided against it. I've been involved in some forum flame-wars in the past that makes this one look like a tempest in a teapot... and since then, I've made a rule that I won't post anything on any forum unless it's 100% positive. So I doubt that I'll be posting anything there soon.
I've even considered completely withdrawing from the community because of all of the negative energy there; I've been spending a lot more time in private ages recently... but I don't think I'm ready to give up Uru yet. There are too many things there that I love.

My apologies, dear reader, for my soapboxing; I realize this was a very long-winded post, but I really had to get it off of my chest.


Blogger vid said...

Just remember, for every person who likes to stir up trouble and throw people into a tizzy, there's a hundred more people who just want to get along and have a good time.

It's still a great place to be... please don't let the strife bring down your ability to have fun and relax in Uru.

4:22 PM  

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