Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I should be happily asleep right now, but my body dissagrees... so I might as well write.

Some interesting things have been happening in the cavern. Although they've already been covered in the Guide (see the link to the right), I might as well give my take on them.

There's something odd going on with the private meditation rooms (also known as the Seed Room or the Egg Room). Vid and I were exploring the rooms, testing to see if they really did block out all communication with others in the age (as well having a ball locking Dalken out), which they did, when the three of us decided to go hang out in the Kadish Gallery. Vid and I linked from inside the closed room to his Relto, intending to simply meet Dalken at the Gallery. Strangely enough, when we all met there, Vid and I could converse normally, however Dalken couldn't hear us, and we couldn't hear him. Many jokes were made at this point about Dalken being a bad jedi, since he couldn't hear us. Even voice chat wasn't transmitted.
We finally figured out that since we linked from inside the closed privacy room, the client still thought that we were in a "private" conversation. After a few more jedi jokes, we managed to fix the situation by simply going back to the room, locking ourselves in, and then letting the door time out.
However, this raises an interesting idea: if someone is being really annoying... it should be possible to lure them into a meditation room and then get them to link out while it is closed, essentially forcing them into their own little "private" chat bubble. No one would be able to hear them, no matter how many times they linked in and out, and they would just consider it a particularly annoying chat bug.
However, when I checked last night, the door to the Seed Room was locked again... I'm wondering if this interesting feature is being fixed (I hope not!), or somehow playing with the lights in the lightgarden made it lock itself. Could we have accidentally stumbled on the light combination that makes the door lock? There's an idea.... locking Dalken in the Seed Room!
*evil snicker*
Update: I checked again this morning... the door works fine, now. Must have been a fluke.

Another point of interest...
When I linked to my Relto, I found a notice in my KI from the DRC themselves, asking anyone who hasn't already signed the petition to sign it. Thankfully, I already have, and I've asked both of my parents, my sister, her husband, and some of my "surface" friends to sign it as well. (I'm # 35 on the list. *smirk*)
Strangely enough, the message can't be deleted, and it seems to be hardwired into the KI mainframe as well... I created an extra avatar a few hours ago, ran through the cleft, and got my KI... and the message was there, waiting for me. Kinda nifty.

And a plea, to anyone who might be reading this... I created this blog in order to host some interesting images that I found in the game, but it's turned into alot more than that, now. I'm not sure how many people actually read this blog (only two that I know of), but if you see this, please sign the petition. Uru is one of the few multiplayer games that encourages peaceful solutions to conflict, teamwork, and a strong sense of community.



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