Saturday, April 15, 2006

I know I'm being really nit-picky, but...

While in Teledahn last night, getting a suitable picture of the box for this blog (see the post below), I noticed another oddity...

I'm not sure how visible this is, but to me, it looks like there are two square shadows on the desk... that don't belong to anything. Is there supposed to be something there? Or will something else show up later, much like the box did? Or am I just nuts, and they're just stains?

And another idea... what is the meaning of the "stump" that you can reach from the bahro stone in the Shroom Baron's office? I know the other previously "useless" dead end bahro stones, like the balconies and rooftop actually had a purpose in recalibrating the Great Zero... but what about the stump? I've tried taking KI pics from there, but as usual, I WTFcrash every time.


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