Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Looks like the authentication server is down, so I'll finally post again.. I know I've been neglecting this blog, and my apologies... recently, I've been too embroiled in cavern drama to have time.

But.. there's been an update! So far, we've found a new linking stone in Kemo, leading to the classroom roof in the 'hood, and the marker games have been turned on again, which means that the Great Zero has been at least partially recalibrated. Woot!
However, someone who remain nameless (because it was really just an accident, and he shouldn't feel bad about it) somehow managed to bring a unauthorized age into the game via the AgeManager, and corrupted the vault. The effects of the corruption have been pretty obvious, one of my avvies, my main, has been lost in link limbo, and there have been a lot of others who have lost theirs as well. And the random "WTFcrashing" seems to have gotten worse. Personally, I'm hoping for a vault wipe, since I won't really be losing much; I already lost my avvie, so I'll have to re-do everything anyway... so why not just go ahead and repair the damage that caused me to lose that avvie? Ergh.. enough pontificating.

Another random side effect of the cavern: there's something in that cave that somehow speeds up time. It's almost like a black hole; time appears to go slower on the inside. For instance, I can sit in the cavern and chat with friends for what feels like an hour or so... however, on the surface, four hours have passed. Or more, the most extreme case that I've experienced has been a full eight hours (on the surface) passing in what seems like the blink of a eye. Could this be the secret to the extrordinarily long lives of the D'ni? Perhaps something in the cavern gasses that causes this time dialation? After all, time while in the cavern seems to equal out to three or four times that on the surface, so a lifetime of being in the cavern could account for the three-hundred year long life spans of the original inhabitants.
Holy crap, we've discovered the fountain of youth!


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